Friday, February 5, 2010

Making an Elephant Dance

One gets used to routines after 10 years of working .

You get comfort in little rituals , eg. Smoke with friends in the afternoon, Driving in a set route to home ,Con-calls , etc.

What happens when all this changes in an instant ?

The first few days where spent by me with a sense of elation and apprehension. Elation because i felt free to dream . Apprehension because next few years are not going to be like the last few years .

Time which used to fly, started slowing down. I started wondering how to consume each hour . Then came revelation "don't attempt to consume time" . Instead start doing all those things which u wanted to do but used to postpone with valid ( mostly bullshit ) excuses.
Things is I started doing

  • Go for a walk in the afternoon to cubbon park
  • Play with Kids
  • Attempt to teach Kids
  • Go for a walk in Bangalore and start observing buildings and people
  • Bought a DSR ( canon 500d) and started learning Photography
  • Took a basics of French class
  • Took a class in Stock market investing
  • Joined a Club
  • Re Started meeting friends and family
  • Travelled to China and was amazed at what i saw , may be i was blind the last half a dozen times i went there .

Slowly this elephant awoke from its slumber started dancing . In the process realized that things that i thought where not important in Life have become very important and vice versa.

Now I wonder, how did i live that life ?

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